Butterflies and Hurricanes: Big-Data Storms Drive Evidence-Based Success

3 min read

There is an old saying in idiomatic English, that ‘climate is what you expect, weather is what you get’. A salutary reminder, that even the best of plans and expectations are meaningless, in the face of empirical evidence – and that that evidence, in any given instance, might be very different to the average which the model predicts. Knowing what to expect from the weather has been of vital interest to the human species since prehistory, because our wellbeing is so intimately tied to the ability to farm and hunt, as well as the ability to shelter appropriately from the…...

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Maya Middlemiss Maya is the managing director of BlockSparks, a creative communications agency for the blockchain space. Her background includes journalism, research and user experience, and she's obsessed with future technology, and this combines with a desire to tell the story behind a project and bring it to life for readers. She is a productivity geek with a butterfly mind, continually scanning for the latest app or device or methodology which will make her location-independent life complete. She wants to make the future more evenly distributed, by exploring what’s going on at the leading edges - and testing them to destruction where required.

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